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From Pain to Empowered
Transformative Tools For Men Navigating Chronic Pain Recovery

Wednesdays, March 20th-April 17th, 2024
7:00pm-8:30pm US Central time
Live via Zoom

Does chronic pain make you feel like you’re disconnected from the important things like work, hobbies, and socializing?

Do you feel like people are sympathetic, but don’t quite understand what you’re going through?

Do you feel like you’ve tried everything, but just can’t figure out how to unlock your pain?

It’s not just you. It’s 1 in every 5 men in the US, literally 23.5 million of us.

Chronic pain defines our lives, limits what we can do, and perhaps most importantly, limits what we think we can do.

Recent advances in neuroscience are redefining what we know about chronic pain though. We now know that pain does not necessarily mean that our bodies are broken, or that something is dangerously wrong with us. Pain, in fact, is a complex biological, psychological, and social phenomenon that lives in our nervous systems.

When you learn the basic elements of how your nervous system has constructed your pain, along with some simple tools to take the fuel out of those inputs, you can begin to steadily retrain your brain to return to its normal settings. To turn the tide against chronic pain.

In this 5-week program we’ll be doing just that:  deconstructing and simplifying the inputs that go into chronic pain, and practicing simple Pain Reprocessing Therapy tools to take the fuel (and guesswork) out of the pain experience…read more here

The Reset Retreat
June 4-11, 2023
Vilcabamba, Ecuador

Spend 8 days mastering the skill of integration, building the ability to take the good stuff in, and experiencing life from a grounded, regulated nervous system….read more here