Posts tagged dealing with pain
Solving Chronic Pain

Recent advances in pain science have taught us that, in order to solve chronic pain, you must holistically address the physical, psychological, and relational elements that go with it. It sounds pretty complicated, but what does that type of healing really look like? In this blog I share one of my all-time favorite client case studies that demonstrates how multidimensional this work can be, and the powerful transformation that awaits when you commit to this type of journey.

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You're (Still) Working Too Hard

A few months ago, I wrote a piece titled You’re Working Too Hard, introducing a series of lessons teaching you the fundamentals of the Rolfing & Mindful Movement work I’ve shared with hundreds of clients over the last 12 years. Most people don’t know it’s their own habits that often create their physical challenges, so now, with things even more intense and stressful than they were earlier this year, it’s a good time to re-examine these practices while offering additional tips and insights to help you go deeper.

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Is It Safe?

To our cognitive, thinking brains here at the end of May 2020, “Is it safe?” is a really stupid question. My guess would be that about 95% of you reading this, given some time to really ponder it, would answer with some variation on the following: “Who the hell knows?” There are a lot of variables out there in the world right now. Unfortunately for we humans, that level of uncertainty doesn't play well over time, often leading to chronic stress, tension, and all the challenges that go with those patterns (including pain).

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