Posts tagged rolfing austin tx
Interested in Rolfing? Here's What Working With Me is Like

If you’re reading this, you’re probably interested in trying Rolfing. Maybe someone you know told you about how it helped them solve their chronic pain when nothing else could. Problem is, as you’re doing your research, you still might not really know what to expect in your sessions. And, you may find that it can be tough to tell Rolfers apart, or to know who’s going to be the best fit for you. So, here are some nuts and bolts about what it’ll be like if you choose to try Rolfing with me to help you get the most out of your body and solve your chronic pain or movement challenges.

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You're Working Too Hard

When I see new clients, 80-90% of them share one common struggle that’s evident to me within minutes of meeting them. They’re working too hard. To put it simply, they are unconsciously creating pain and physical breakdown and it shows. The great news is that simple, awareness-based exercises you can do during the small pockets of your busy day or after a hard day’s work as a reset can yield a tremendous shift forward in your experience of your body.

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The Human Puzzle

Why is it that we end up where we are physically, especially in the absence of major physical trauma or pathology? Often, it seems, we choose (mostly unconsciously) very physically-expensive ways of being. My puzzle then became to figure out how to help clients make better choices.

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