When everything looks shitty it’s really hard to feel hopeful about your health, the world, or otherwise. But if you’re armed with a little knowledge about how our nervous systems construct our reality — and, more importantly, how you can actively influence that — the possibility for seeing, perceiving, and then feeling something wildly different is suddenly right there. To stay afloat, you need to have some core, daily practices that help you get grounded and clear. So this post is a throwback to an elemental practice to keep you afloat in the alot-ness of life.
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Personally, I don’t typically hop on the New Year’s resolution bandwagon. And, the start of a new year does create a natural transition where we can look at the goals we have for the time ahead and figure out how we can achieve them. This article is packed with some of my favorite Pro-Tips from over the years, to not only help you learn the basics for attaining your goals, but also to give you my short-list of favorite fundamental practices I’m recommitting to for the year ahead. Enjoy!
Transformation, by definition, is never safe. To transform an aspect of your life requires you to break out of what’s known, predictable, and most likely, comfortable. Aiming at something new & big through logic and precise, comfortable planning frames your thinking through the lens of the things you already know, so most likely, nothing new will happen. Unplugging from our lives to travel South America for a year required my family and I to lean just beyond our comfort zone and not fully know how everything would come together. And if we can do it, you can too.
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